What Family Means/Parenting...

Since Crystal is a school teacher and Patrick works evenings, we will be sharing the parenting role fully. Patrick will stay home with our children during the day when they are young and Crystal will stay with them in the evenings. This is very familiar to Patrick as his parents did the same during his childhood. Patrick usually has 2 days off a week so we hope to have our family dinners and game nights on those days. We will also have a majority of the weekend together with our children. Our schedule will allow for plenty of involvement in school and activities, as both of us will be available to attend classroom events and volunteer since our children will go to school where Crystal works.

During the year Crystal will be home with the children during school breaks and during the summer since she teaches on a Traditional school calendar. There will be plenty of time for family vacations with all of the school breaks plus Patrick has 2 weeks of vacation a year as well! We are excited to spend quality time with  our new family and can't wait to make many memories exploring new things and new places together!

We plan on keeping our children involved in activities that they are interested in. Patrick played several sports growing up and eventually found his love of music by playing the drums in the high school marching band. He traveled many places as his dad was very involved and was one of the "band dads"! Crystal enjoyed cheer leading and student council while in middle school and high school and values the life lessons taught while being part of a team! Both of our parents were always supportive of our dreams, education, and personalities and we hope to be just as supportive with our children so that they can live up to their potential.

We hope to instill...

We both hope to parent our children so that they are responsible, independent individuals who set goals and aspire to achieve. We want our children to know how much they are loved every single day and model for them how to be caring and loving citizens that pay it forward to others. We want to teach them the importance of service and serving others who are in need.

We will give our children opportunities to be whatever they dream of being. We value the fact that the story of their adoption will always be a part of their lives. We will always be honest about their adoption just as Patrick's sister Kate was always aware of her adoption from El Salvador.

We prefer a boy first, then a girl, or boy/girl siblings with the boy being the oldest. We are looking to adopt an infant at this stage in our life, or if siblings under 3 years old. We are looking to participate in a closed adoption only. 

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