Saturday, June 25, 2016


Cheers everyone!

I've been busy busy busy the past 2 months. I had so much fun planning and putting together Kate's shower. Everyone pitched it and it turned out wonderful! Here are some pics from Kate's shower we had a couple of weeks ago:

We have also put the nursery back up and are prepping it for our nephew that will be arriving in a few weeks. I've been washing clothes and bedding, putting toys together, organizing the books, and we even got an amazing deal on a changing table. Our nursery is just about complete, just needing a rocker! I've also started to purchase our first baby proofing items - outlet covers - and diaper changing stuff. You wouldn't think they would be too exciting, but it is to us, because that means a baby is coming!!! Zeus and Apollo are also very excited!

I picked up another great deal on a pack and play and matching high chair, over half the price brand new!

We also have been using the summertime, since I'm off from work, to de-clutter and sell as much as we can to prep for moving in January. Not only have we been selling some of our house items, but we have sold Patrick's old truck (FINALLY!!!) and I've been selling a lot of my classroom items as well, as I will be moving out of the classroom and into a new position mentoring and coaching new teachers! I'm ecstatic as if will hopefully free up more time to start and raise a family. Doing all of this during the school year would be insane, so I'm glad I'm off this summer to get some of it done. We can't wait to move into our first home!

So, after we return from vacation, the plan is to order our stroller set and get moving boxes to start packing things we don't use that often. YAY!!!

And, I don't want to forget thanking Kennette Watkins for being so supportive and letting us peruse her baby items for free! I can't believe her two kiddos are so grown now! We are so thankful for this generous gift!

After looking through our registries (Buybuybaby and Amazon) and looking through our clothes for boys and girls, these are some items we are still in need of:

Hooded towels and bath toys
Sleep sacks
Swim and cold weather wear for toddler sizes, including raincoats
Boys 12m PJs, 18m PJs, 18m clothes, 3T-5T PJs, 3T-5T clothes, and a few more 2T clothes
Girls 6m clothes and sleepers, a few more 9 mo clothes, and 18m clothes and PJs.

If you know of anyone with these sizes of clothes or who are looking to part with theirs, please let us know!

Now, for the best announcement....
We start our foster classes August 22nd! We should be finished by mid-October. We will be having classes twice a week. We can't wait to see what we will learn! (Hopefully how to babyproof and what our house needs so we can pass the home study and start fostering to adopt!) :-D

Patrick's sister Kate said it best the other day that we are looking at basically a 9 month stretch, like being pregnant in a different way ;-)

Oh, and I'll add this sweet tidbit. Patrick and I went to dinner the other night and I asked him what he is looking forward to about being a dad. His response: "I'll just be happy to see you finally get to be a mom, you will be a great mom" Awwww! <3