Monday, December 19, 2016

Movin' on up!

Patrick and I spent my birthday furniture shopping and we have all the pieces picked out for each room. We have gotten our breakfast table and chairs, our foyer settee/loveseat, and our foyer console table. Hoping to order our couch soon! We still need some rug ideas, and online shopping for rugs doesn't appeal to me because I can't feel how cozy soft they are. Anyone know of any great rug stores to look into?

Our dryer burnt out on Saturday, which means we need a new set. I think the one we have we got for about $100, so its not much money lost and we got our use out of it for sure. We were going to wait until we moved in and wait for it to go kaput, but I guess here's our sign to getting a new set. We were thinking of the whirpool cabrio....thoughts?

We found a guy to haul off our junk - some chairs, our couch and bed, and now the washer and dryer. I thought he was pretty hilarious because his ad is from the movie Madagascar - "I like to move it move it, you like to.....move it???" Every time I see his email pop up I chuckle at his signature quote. Cheers to getting rid of our last pieces of junk. Feels GREAT!!!

Our house is in its initial stages of getting the slab poured. It is coming along! The other pictures below are of the space between our backyard and the other happy that they do not back up to each other and that there will be a nice grassy space to look at and look across!

                                                Our house, tiny little slab form :-)   

                                   View from the back, our yard goes up to the orange fencing.

                       Our house will be the empty space to the right of that house. The sodded area is the empty space between our backyard and the other houses back yard. We are on the higher slope :-)

Lastly, our business is getting ready to launch! Hopefully I'll be able to use the winter break to go over excel docs, taxes, receipting, inventory, etc. and get it all figured out! We took apart the crib to make room for the clothes to have a temporary home between January and April. So the spare room is clear and ready for business! We are waiting to purchase other items like shipping and packaging, hangers, rods, lighting, backdrops, etc. until the 1st of January so that it will be in next year's taxes. We should be getting our call the week after Christmas or so to order inventory. We are ready to see what January and February bring!

On a side note, I've started to meal plan and come up with an easy system to manage meal planning and grocery shopping for our family. I'm pretty excited to get it finalized over the break! This week I'm cooking up some Irish stew. YUM!

As I told Patrick the other night, 2017 is going to be the best year yet! Then, I found this great image later the next day:

It can only go up from this past year! Haha! It WILL BE ridiculously amazing!