Friday, January 31, 2014

Happy New Year

Hip Hip Hooray!
It's the start of a new year....FINALLY! Cheers to new goals, new experiences, and new friendships!

We have some good news! We weren't too sure about how our amazon link was doing and whether we were receiving a percentage of people using the link to make their purchases. Well, WE ARE! Our first deposit from Amazon has been made into our adoption account, it's not much but it's a start! We earned $24.55 just from people clicking our link over the past month and a half! If you haven't yet, PLEASE do!

Also, since I've been sick this week (can't seem to shake it!), Patrick checked the mail and we were happily surprised to find a $10 check from our JustLoveCoffee fundraiser! Thank you to whoever ordered coffee from our link!

We've also been getting some questions about our Coupaide Adoption Fundraiser link with After a few emails, they have informed us that they are updating/upgrading their website and will be back online in a couple months. I'm hoping they'll be ready by March sometime, but we'll let you know as soon as we hear!

We have also sold another t-shirt to a woman who is also adopting all the way from Springfield, MO. It's so great to know that we are reaching people states away! Our first out of state sale was to another woman, also adopting, from Oklahoma! Good luck to them both!

Lastly, I've earned $12.08 this month from my teacherspayteachers account, which again, isn't much, but every little bit helps!

Our plan for the next week is to get our men's t-shirts ordered and in stock. Hopefully I'll have them ready to ship out the week after!

A bit of good news...I will be meeting with one of my students' parents who has her own online radio podcast called NapTimeRadio. She surprised us over the Christmas break wanting to help us out in some way so she will be having an adoption fundraiser for her 2000/week listeners. How exciting! Can't wait to meet with her and get it started! Stay tuned!

Our new total is $1067.63!
Only $932.37 until our 2nd $1000 benchmark and only 18,932.37 to go until our ultimate goal! Hopefully we can reach our next 1000 by April!

Hope you are staying warm and cozy!!!!

Saturday, January 4, 2014

Our first $1000 benchmark!!!

We are now past our 1st $1000!!!!
We have received two more donations since Christmas bringing our new total to:


Only $18,988  left to go! 

Thank you to everyone for helping make our dreams come true! Can't wait for a sweet lil buddy to snuggle up with especially on a cold wintry day like today!